誰かが来ることを待ち焦がれ all night long... 地下室 ねぇ Sister 気触れる Crazy Scarlet Devil She went and hanged herself and then there were none 誰もいなくなる孤独に飲まれ all alone... 最後に残る影 unknown 走馬灯 She died by the bullet and then there were none
誰かが来ることを待ち焦がれ all night long... 地下室 ねぇ Sister 気触れる Crazy Scarlet Devil She went and hanged herself and then there were none 誰もいなくなる孤独に飲まれ all alone... 最後に残る影 unknown 走馬灯 She died by the bullet and then there were none
誰かが来ることを待ち焦がれ all night long... 地下室 ねぇ Sister 気触れる Crazy Scarlet Devil She went and hanged herself and then there were none 誰もいなくなる孤独に飲まれ all alone... 最後に残る影 unknown 走馬灯 She died by the bullet and then there were none いつしか外の世界に思い馳せ all night long... 地下室 ねぇ Sister 気触れる Crazy Scarlet Devil またこれからも独りでも 気付けばあの歌を口ずさむ all alone... 最後に残る影 unknown 走馬灯 She got married and then there were none
『Crazy of Scarlet (feat. ytr, ill.bell)』の音域におさまる曲をご紹介しています。YouTube再生回数が多い順に順位付けしています。