freedom freedom 作られた freedom
まぁ 狭い業界 you can get authority
俺に言わせりゃ the Emperor's new clothes
yo break the moral majority
be the minority 貫いて bud boy
you can be anything you want to be
don't livin' on command
say what you like.....yeah!!!
get tha distorted vision
飽き飽きだ cling on to power
考える reversed vision
この先何があるかって? what?
いつまで経っても変わらない 古い世代に鞭打って hey giddy up!
搾取見過ごし 緩みきったドテッ腹に一発
偽りのプロパガンダ 劣化する culture 俺は no touch
本物に出会えよ 研ぎ澄ましとけ your 千里眼
ready or not at all
dawnin' of a new era
管理された freedom
そこで下らねぇ価値 見出してるお前
for what it's worth it was
worth all the while 限界超え
say what!? 聞こえねぇ!
back off your jive!!!
七転八倒 当たり前
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
things will never be the same
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
第六感を そう研ぎ澄ませ
未知の領域に いざ 出会え
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
say what you like....yeah!!!
why are you keeping like this くだらねー shit to do
why are you here? 何がいいの? are you serious?
I guess お前使えねぇ loser just 突然 無意味な行動
cuz 理解不能 だから 中身空っぽって you don't know yet oh no
but 本当に救いがたい世界が蔓延 real 気迫 no more
why do they want fake pop star
and I just know you want real rock star
but I don't want to be a loser
you just can't pull yourself away
and I just know what I wanna be
and I just know what you gonna be
just you do take your way!
you can't stop yourself
七転八倒 当たり前
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
things will never be the same
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
第六感を そう研ぎ澄ませ
未知の領域に いざ 出会え
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
say what you like....yeah!!!
alternative source of power
やるやらねー関係なく invert
humaniterian view 視覚的に表現
this is disco shit
and you can bring your soul
世間の反応はシカト just you go!
when you hit the club and just you got show
this is disco shit
dual power structure
but it's broken inside 内輪で拡大
vertual collaboration 七色の poison
this is disco shit
if you don't do that I can drag you down
and its 簡単 そんなこと関係ない
how do we know the 真実 you can take my word
this is disco shit
七転八倒 当たり前
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
things will never be the same
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
第六感を そう研ぎ澄ませ
未知の領域に いざ 出会え
(so back off your rules)
I wanna be "tha crazy player"
crazy, crazy, crazy... player!