

ホーム> アーティスト一覧> KOKIA> Make Sense

KOKIA 『Make Sense』の歌詞とMVとカラオケ練習

関連楽曲:白いノートブックil mare dei suoni最終上映本当の音ありがとう…二人の娘光の中にフクロウ 〜フクロウが知らせる客が来楽曲一覧

I love the way that you’ve said to me.
Every day is part of life.
Even if it’s grey.
It makes sense to me.
In our lives, the music still plays.
I can sing it for you, if you will stay with me

Tra ra ra ra

I love the way that you’ve said to me.
Every day is part of life.
Even if it’s grey.
It makes sense to me.
In our lives, the music still plays.
I can sing it for you, if you will stay with me

Sometimes it’s not the way that I expected.
But it makes sense to me. It makes sense to me.