Hey don't give up on your dreams until you die Hey destiny's in your hand and nobody's takin 'away Hey don't give up on your dreams until you die Hey destiny's in your hand and nobody's takin 'away nobody's takin 'away
恥を曝して泥水を SWIM 裸足で駆けてく滑走路に 辿り着いた今 行こうぜ Let's take off
Hey don't give up on your dreams until you die Hey destiny's in your hand and nobody's takin 'away 上昇気流 乗りこなし 挑む限界 想像超え 道なき未知 my own way
虎視眈々と軽やかに FLY 研ぎ澄まし 狙う鷹のように 飛びつけよ dreamer 行こうぜ Let's Take off
Hey don't give up on your dreams until you die Hey destiny's in your hand and nobody's takin 'away Hey don't give up on your dreams until you die Hey destiny's in your hand and nobody's takin 'away
Hey don't give up on your dreams until you die Hey destiny's in your hand and nobody's takin 'away 上昇気流 乗りこなし 挑む限界 想像超え 道なき未知 my own way
Take off and shoot the moon Suck it up and Just do it! Take off and shoot the moon Suck it up and Just do it!