

ホーム> アーティスト一覧> MIYAVI> Holy Nights (Intro) - OASIS KYOTO Remix

MIYAVI 『Holy Nights (Intro) - OASIS KYOTO Remix』の歌詞とMVとカラオケ練習

関連楽曲:You Already KnowIf You Know How ToPut Your Hands on Real?HorizonGuard YouSecretThe Others楽曲一覧

この楽曲の音域:mid2B ~ mid2F#

Lost in love

Tell me
Is it love that truly controls us?

One emotion

An instinct we can’t ignore

It’s in the things we love
Where we can get lost the most

I think, I’ve been lost in love…

Have you ever felt lost?
In somebody
In a dream
In a city

Is it in the emotions we hide from
Is it in the emotions we mask
Is it in the emotions we burry

That we really find ourselves

Don’t be scared,

I was found in pain