ONE OK ROCK 『Stand Out Fit In』の歌詞とMVとカラオケ練習
関連楽曲:Delusion:AllMake It Out AliveNeonThe BeginningClock Strikes完全感覚DreamerHeartacheMighty Long Fall楽曲一覧
この楽曲の音域:mid1F ~ hiD#
I know they don't like me that much
Guess that I don't dress how they want
I just wanna be myself
I can't be someone else
Try to color inside their lines
Try to live a life by design
I just wanna be myself
I can't be someone else
Someone else
They yell they preach
I've heard it all before
Be this be that
I've heard it before
Heard it before
Big boys don't cry
Shoot low aim high
Eat up stay thin
Stand out fit in
Good girls don't fight
Be you dress right
White face tan skin
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Can't be someone else
They yell they preach
I've heard it all before
Be this be that
I've heard it before
Heard it before
Big boys don't cry
Shoot low aim high
Eat up stay thin
Stand out fit in
Good girls don't fight
Be you dress right
White face tan skin
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
I am who I am
No matter what
Never changing
No matter what
No matter what
Big boys don't cry
Shoot low aim high
Eat up stay thin
Stand out fit in
Good girls don't fight
Be you dress right
White face tan skin
Stand out fit in
Big boys don't cry
Shoot low aim high
Eat up stay thin
Stand out fit in
Good girls don't fight
Be you dress right
White face tan skin
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
『Stand Out Fit In』の音域におさまる曲をご紹介しています。YouTube再生回数が多い順に順位付けしています。
※適正:男性(男性向けの曲) 女性(女性向けの曲) 高難度(男性にしては高い音域があり、女性にしては低い音域がある曲) 男女(比較的だれでも歌いやすい曲)