Don't try to stop what I can do You wanna say I'm nothing Don't have to understand my mind
Wow If you fear the life that's out there Then be okay inside your walls
Let me fly You can't hold me down Let me fly Just give me space Let me fly wow
Let me fly I only have now Let me fly I need to be Let me fly wow
Don't try to stop what I can do You wanna say I'm nothing Don't have to understand my mind Don't fuck with me!
Wow If you fear the life that's out there Then be okay inside your walls
Let me fly You can't hold me down Let me fly Just give me space Let me fly wow
Let me fly I only have now Let me fly I need to be Let me fly wow
Now it's time to accept change Don't have the strength to fight it I can't see myself to be like you Leave me alone I gotta go Cause you and I are not the same Can't you see now?
Let me fly Let me fly now
Let me fly You can't hold me down Let me fly Just give me space Let me fly wow
僕の衝動を止めるな 頭がおかしくなったと思ってるんだろう 理解されなくてもいい
自分の知らない世界が怖いなら、 ずっと檻の中で満足してればいい
Let me fly!! 俺の邪魔をするな 好きなようにさせろ 今しかないんだ 可能性を否定するな
変わることを受け入れないと 変わらない強さを貫くことは出来ない 俺はお前のようにはなりたくない 俺とお前は違う人間なんだよ Let me fly
『Let Me Fly』の音域におさまる曲をご紹介しています。YouTube再生回数が多い順に順位付けしています。