カヒミ・カリィ 『I Come Here』の歌詞とMVとカラオケ練習
関連楽曲:The silence in a sTime TravelersELASTIC GIRLNouveau Paradis楽曲一覧
この楽曲の音域:mid1G ~ hiA#
I come here
when I sing the blues away
when I hold back my tears
I come here
why do you swear undying hope?
why is this world repeats itself?
I come here
I'm believe in your vow
cause you're my warrior
I come here
cause my tree sways in your wind
it's the sign you come here now
in your eyes
I see my eyes and...
the moon on the chair
the silence of night
the sigh of your light
we touch to the time
I come here
it's the sign you come here now
in your eyes
I see my eyes and...
the moon on the chair
the silence of night
the warmness of light
we touch to the time
I come here
I'm believe in your vow
the silence of creatures
stars foretell the future
you knock gently on my door
and I fall asleep in your calm...
『I Come Here』の音域におさまる曲をご紹介しています。YouTube再生回数が多い順に順位付けしています。
※適正:男性(男性向けの曲) 女性(女性向けの曲) 高難度(男性にしては高い音域があり、女性にしては低い音域がある曲) 男女(比較的だれでも歌いやすい曲)