so she said "bye" and disappeared as if it was hidden drawing 吹き付け止むことない 雨のよう [kill me off please] you haven't seen the truth nor figured it out. 分かり合えぬ血に塗れている the truth will never become known to the world
forever malice awaken and wound as if it was a hidden drawing 慟哭を掻き消した掌は [has never been saved] you haven't seen the truth nor figured it out. 分かり合えぬ血に塗れている the truth will never become known to the world
ただ気怠く 何を求め目覚めるのか 見え透いた嘘に気付かぬふりして 無意味な死を探す?
so she said "bye" and disappeared as if it was hidden drawing 吹き付け止むことない 雨のよう [kill me off please] you haven't seen the truth nor figured it out. 分かり合えぬ血に塗れている the truth will never become known to the world