KNOTLAMP 『Ashe's Children』の歌詞とMVとカラオケ練習
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I don't know how I can go back Don't know how I can tell you No one considered your heart So you were in too deep You were alone every day You were just searching for love At the bottom of the pain You were just isolated Show me inside the feelings you've got It's okay if you stay as a child Don't cry I wanna let you see your life I believe that you can shine now No one can steal your future Someday you will find it all Don't hate anyone Silence denies your feelings and leads you down your wrong path Hold on Cause I'll be by your side One way Together we can go Life has no form I make it by myself Don't be afraid We can erase all the panic Get through I'll cover you with my life 沈まないまま照らした月が 願い込めたその光で 全ての不幸を溶かすように 夢に見ては 歌を歌えば 闇に浮かぶその出口へ 繋がる道を映し出せるから (step up! step up!) We wanna face our temper (You never shut up! shut up!) I wanna go to the new road (You wanna stand up! stand up!) I wanna break all the tension (We wanna step up! step up!) Please let me help Don't cry I follow forever I want to let you live your life
『Ashe's Children』の音域におさまる曲をご紹介しています。YouTube再生回数が多い順に順位付けしています。
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※適正:男性(男性向けの曲) 女性(女性向けの曲) 高難度(男性にしては高い音域があり、女性にしては低い音域がある曲) 男女(比較的だれでも歌いやすい曲)