Nothing's Carved In Stone 『Like a Shooting Star』の歌詞とMVとカラオケ練習
関連楽曲:Blaze of ColorBright NightWillSpirit InspirationPrideOut of Controlきらめきの花楽曲一覧
この楽曲の音域:mid1D# ~ hiA
And I'm walking
In the blackhole
Acting like I know everything
Like a prison
Only reason
Waiting for the truth
She does not leave
From the bedroom
Thinking that her life is complete
Like a prison
Same as myself
So afraid to lose
In the badlands
Don't look for help
Seeking hope in choices I make
And I'm walking
In the blackhole
Acting like I know everything now
Until that time
You're like a shooting star
A blink of life cause
In your hands
And in your heart
You hold so many scars it
Makes you shine so bright
And I'm walking
In the blackhole
Acting like I know everything
She does not leave
From the bedroom
Waiting for the truth
You're like a shooting star
A blink of life cause
In your hands
And in your heart
You hold so many scars it
Makes you shine
You're like a shooting star
Fighting this craziness in life
The fight goes on
You're like a shooting star
A blink of life cause
In your hands
And in your heart
you hold so many scars it
Makes you shine
I know this for a fact
Your burning will
To change the world with
In your hands
A shooting star
『Like a Shooting Star』の音域におさまる曲をご紹介しています。YouTube再生回数が多い順に順位付けしています。
※適正:男性(男性向けの曲) 女性(女性向けの曲) 高難度(男性にしては高い音域があり、女性にしては低い音域がある曲) 男女(比較的だれでも歌いやすい曲)